visits MONSTERPALOOZA, 2024...!
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All pictures on the following webpage were taken last Spring, from May 30th through June 1st, several weeks before the Trump assination attempt in mid-July.
ALSO: CREDITS LOSS NOTICE: Due to an unfortunate circumstance, many of the following photos' attributions can not be made on this Archival Page. As with all of our previous Monsterpalooza (and other) show reviews, we try to credit all of the wonderful work on display. IF YOU SEE YOUR WORK AND IT IS UN-CREDITED, PLEASE MAKE CONTACT WITH US SO WE MAY CORRECT THIS. THANK YOU!
At The Pasadena Convention Center 
~ Spring 2024 ~ 
~ May 30th, 31st, & June 1st ~
EEEK! The Monsters Are On The Loose Again ~
~ And Here They Come...!
Kurt Barlow - Salem's Lot
Cosplayers bring eerie enthusiasm to the sensational scene...
"The Walking Monster"
does his abiding greeting-thing along the Convention Center's outside queue.
A Vampiric Vixen
graciously greets the gruesome guests...
Dracula vants to share an intimate moment vith you...
One can always count on The Count to kick off -- the Festivities!
Horseman ~
~ shows-off his
He's apparently unstoppable...
..."The Trumpinator", comin' at'cha!
[N.B.: UPDATE: These photos were taken last May / June, 2024, several weeks before the events of July 13th. ]

A Magnificent Mystical Mexican Reaper sightlessly eyes the scary scene...

YOU Can Be A Monster Too...! Immortal Masks' staggering display gave guests their choices of choice awesome alter-egos...

Knives Out... This "Killer Trio" poses for a merry moment to show off their kitchenware colletions...
"The Creature From the Black Lagoon" looked "thrilled-to-the-gills"...
(EVERYONE wanted a Free Poster!)
"Morticia" meditated in the Monsterpalooza Museum (not terribly happy with the "no smoking allowed" policy)...
...While "Gomez" happily wandered the whole sprawling, scary scene (with his Thing on full display)...
MORE "Monsterpalooza Museum" Exhibits included ~
~ This gleefully-terrifying Blue Box Bust...
Hyperreal -- and hyper-grotesque --"portraits"...!
Two Great Tributes ~ !
"Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Walter's Worx' Lusty-Minded-Pirate !"
'Anyone else build the Aurora Kit, way back when...?
...And, stalking close beside the Museum's 'Exit' --
-- here's that ol' cut-up, "Jack"..., "Shining-on" between you -- And The Way Out...
Meanwhile, back in the Main Convention Hall and Environs:

Plenty of scares were roaming around...!


Something went wrong with the color -- I think the camera got SCARED!
And then, suddenly everything 'Got Small'... MONSTROUS MINIATURES AND FEARSOME FIGURINES seized a portion of the Convention Center, scale-be-damned...
Epic Figurines exchange epic umbrage: Godzilla Vs. King Kong!
Brilliant "Joker" figure.
So good it really, um, isn't funny...
Mini-Myers' Halloween Porch - as cheery a bit of mantle decor as any, eh?
"Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na-Na ~ "
" ~ Bat Mobile...!"
With AMAZING figurines aboard...
The BTTF Delorean, taking-off behind The Doc and Marty - 'Guess they should've set the emergency brake!
"The Godfather", because some monsters are a different kind of scary...
(lt) A petite-but-commanding Vampirella figurine.
(rt) An evil Evil Queen figurine; as evil an Evil Queen figurine as many folks have ever seen...
Lon Chaney & Friends.
Clay Or Die's
"Hatbox Ghost"

Going "fullscale" once again, in the Convention Hall ~

...Created another full-scale awesome display (only a bit of which is on view here)...
Toxic Take-Out was revolting on-order (always hungry again in an hour...).
An Orange Yeti takes a break at one of the snack-area tables...
The "Plague Doctor" has your "booster" waiting, amid rumblings of another "Plandemic"...
"Lady Ash" saw to it the guests saw things her way...
(lt) Beetlejuice!
And hey, just like that, there ya go...!
Some People really are bats about this movie.
(rt) The
Magee FX
Sand Worm,
oggling his own alter-ego...
Yikes! That's "It"!
Just imagine this rig at night, with the right lighting, in a pitch-dark alley... heh...
John Barrymore's
"Mr. Hyde"
leers like he means it...
A disturbingly-faithful, life-size tribute to "The Great Profile"'s penchant for exotic characters.
A literal wall of Amazing Appliances on display here, available to all aspiring Make-Up artists!
Legendary Make Up Effects Wizard
Rob Burman
just beginning to "monkey around" with a simian transformation demonstration.
MakeUp FX Demonstrations were held throughout all three show days, and all of the mask and appliace work was really constantly amazing.
(The guy on the right is just one example...)
The effervescent Bob Lizarraga, amidst just some of his eerily-entertaining artwork...
That cute little cut-up, Chucky,
was on Museum display,
courtesy of
Magee FX...
Newlyweds Frank & his Bride
seemed to be pondering
the perils of parenthood...
Is there a Doctor in the House...?
"The Incredible Melting Little-Guy" - Supercool Collective's "Tarman". A zoned-out T-Zone Couple seemed willing to submit to no one's approval...
A Pickled Pumpkin ~ ~ meets an envious Pumpkin Fish...
Pumpkin Troll.
Frankenstein Bust.
Ted Hains, "The Foam Fabber", fabbing fabulously, as ever...
It's two, two --
-- Two Nosferatu...!
SuperBad's 'Baby' Yoda 'Retirement-Village' Yoda
More of Ted Hains, "The Foam Fabber's", fabulous fabrications...
"Still 153 days until Halloween '24... Oh, the waiting..., the waiting..."

Monsterpalooza was once again a monstrous hit in 2024...! And another fantastic show for the Monsterpalooza Producers and Staff; Congratulations to everyone who participated!

Monsterpalooza (and SON of Monsterpalooza) Fans!

( A "Crumpkin's Pumpkins' Pumpkin Pie Cart" Return Appearance!)
(The Son of Monsterpalooza 2022 Program featured a full-page Q & A, showcasing "Crumpkin's Pumpkins"! - Thanks to Eliot Brodsky, Joe Sena, and Jody Infurnari!)
of "The Crumpkin's Pumpkins' Pumpkin Pie Cart's"
awfully Awesome Appearances!

~ Remember, 'The Patch' is ALWAYS OPEN ~

(Come for a visit -- and then Run-For-Your-Leaves!)
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